Call for Papers
Publishing Schedule:
- Volume 5, No. 2, December, 2023
- Deadline submission: August 2023
- Deadline pubsilshing: November-December 2023
The ADHKI: Journal of Islamic Family Law is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to develop the understanding of issues on family law, the households, relationships in Islamic perspective with emphasising on human right aspect. The journal takes an inclusive view of family law across a range of structures and with consideration of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, age, and health or disability.
The ADHKI Journal of Islamic Family Law mainly publishes original empirical research articles with occasional review articles twice in a year (June and December). The journal publishes in a range of disciplines, mainly focused on family law studies, sociology, policy studies, and demography, with some inclusion of social psychology and family psychology with emphasising on human right aspect.
The ADHKI Journal of Islamic Family Law welcomes qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research, as well as conceptual pieces, critical literature reviews, and policy analyses.
The ADHKI Journal of Islamic Family Law will be of particular interest to academics, researchers, policy makers, social workers, and educators.
All submissions are subject to double anonymized peer review by at least two reviewers.
ADHKI: Journal of Islamic Family Law is a member of the since 2019, so each article has a unique DOI number.
For focus and journal scope please see Focus and Scope
Publishing Schedule:
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Vol. 5, No. 1, Juni 2023
Published: 2023-07-24
Published by: Indonesian Association of Islamic Family Law Lecturers
Asosiasi Dosen Hukum Keluarga Islam Indonesia (ADHKI Indonesia)